Some US soldiers in South Korea will now serve 2-year toursSome soldiers without dependents will now serve two years on the peninsula rather than the typical unaccompanied one-year tour length.By Riley Ceder5 hours ago
Army fellowship offers paid degree, editor jobs to revitalize journalsFellows will spend a year at the University of Kansas earning a graduate journalism degree before being assigned as full-time editors to an Army journal.By Todd South8 hours ago
One killed, another injured in Apache helicopter crash in AlabamaThe helicopter flight instructor was killed in the crash.By Todd South15 hours ago
How a TikTok video got one military officer court-martialedService member social media posts are a gray area for the military justice system, attorneys say.By Geoff Ziezulewicz15 hours ago
173rd Airborne’s senior enlisted fired over alcohol-related incidentsThe former command sergeant major became senior enlisted leader of the 173rd Airborne Brigade in March 2023.By Todd South3 days ago
As recruiting rebounds, Army to expand basic training, rebuild for warThe Army is looking to expand basic combat training in a move its leaders hope will meet the challenges of future wars.By Lolita C. Baldor, The Associated Press4 days ago